Saturday, August 15, 2009



Catia (computer aided three dimensional interactive application) was created in France in the seventies by Dassault Systems to develope their Mirage fighter jet. Now days it is used world wide in several industries including architecture, aerospace, automotive and shipbuilding. It combines cad,cam and cae software into one program. Frank Gehry took advantage of this technology to design iconic buildings such as the Guggenheim museum and the Walt Disney Concert Hall.

These buildings are well documented and internationally recognised they were also extremely expensive buildings to produce. SHoP proposes to use similar technology to create a 100% digitally designed and fabricated building at a much more modest budget. They claim that it is the use of less expensive software will allow them to achieve this...

(computer aided design)
Refers to the use of computer software to design and document objects. It is used in several industries including architecture, aerospace, automotive and shipbuilding. This technology allows the user to create 2d or 3d representation of a building proposed or existing. Computer aided design software is used in architectural firms around the world making the drawing board out dated and obsolete

(computer aided manufacturing)
Refers to the use of computer software to manufacture/prototype objects that have been designed on the computer. It reduces the cost of production because it is faster, more accurate and minimises waste. Cam software also reduces labour cost and allows for mass production. SHoP are going to use Cam software to digitally fabricate their camera obscurra project proposed for the village of greenport.

(Computer aided Engineerin)
Refers to the the use of computer software to analyse, simulate and diognose designs in the virtual world. Cae software allows designers to analyse structural, thermal, accoustic and lighting prooperties of a proposed design.